
Flowers Admission About Us:
We are a cozy flower shop located in Troms Valley in Nova Centre. We are a great team in a fast paced and budding flowers environment. With us, the customer is at the center. We listen to your needs, supervisor and come up with ideas. Together, we arrive at interesting solutions.

Please contact us if you want a real deal. We have regular appointments with both individuals and businesses.


Bindery for all occasions, from maternity to grief.

Want to send flowers to a good friend, we communicate through Euroflorist worldwide.

We often campaigns with great offers.

We have regular drivers who are very well known in our town, so your flowers arrive safely at their destination.

If you have questions about the care or should you have advice on such table decoration, traditional or creative, you get professional help.
We are a specialist shop that is always ready for a challenge!
